HSL Waterfront @ Penjuru
Sited on 2 hectares of foreshore land located between Penjuru Road and the Jurong River, HSL Waterfront @ Penjuru includes both production and office spaces.
The contemporary outlook of the building makes it stand up as a refreshing landmark amidst the industrial surroundings.
Waterfront site is valued due to its scarcity. To justify that the land has been put to good use; multi-staked, multi-storey fabrication spaces are designed to intensify land use.
The building incorporates many sustainable and green features into its design. The aerofoil screen on the façade allows effective air flow and ventilation. A secondary screen consisting of planters and cable lattice allows climbers to grow extensively on the building walls, effectively softening the steely look as well as reducing heat absorption.
The landscape design attempts to create an oasis within the development, this translates into extensive roof gardens that surround the offices and soften the hard roofscape. With almost every office having a garden view, the landscape has effectively enhanced the conduciveness of the working environment and provided great sense of relief to the occupants.
Penjuru Road, Singapore
BCA Green Mark Award (Gold) for Non-Residential Building